Category: Personal Essays
Personal essays and thought pieces about topics such as: what empowering women means to me, how to be pro-feminist without being anti-man, etc
The Waiting Game
Looking for a new job? Searching for your forever partner? Trying to publish your manuscript…? I’ll bet you’re miserable. Why is it that we as humans just genuinely suck so much at waiting? I talked in my last article about how many people in my life are currently looking for something new in their lives.… Read more
Why New Year’s Resolutions Suck…But I’m Still Doing Them
New Year, New You…ugh, amirite? It’s almost like hating new year’s resolutions has gotten as tired as the resolutions themselves at this point. I’m not quite ready to circle back around to loving the concept yet, but this year I’ll admit I found myself craving some sort of feeling of change. And if my personal… Read more
The Meet Cute is NOT Dead
Everyone I talk to is sick of dating apps. They’re oversaturated. They give the illusion of infinite options. They make people lazy. But what’s the alternative? According to my very reliable sample set of single friends, there is no alternative. Dating apps are the only way people meet potential partners these days. The pandemic made… Read more
Am I Allowed To Want to Lose Weight?
At Revellations, we want each and every one of you to feel confident, sexy, and comfortable in your own bodies. Whether it be when we go shopping (and nothing fits properly 🙄), on social media (with influencers selling us the latest “wellness” hacks), or in the supposed cesspool of modern dating (this writer wishes she… Read more
Why Are We Here?
Welcome to Revellations When I was a teenager, I would staunchly declare that I was NOT a feminist. I’d been fed media throughout my childhood that painted a picture of women claiming the title as angry man haters, and I wanted no part of it. As the younger sister to two caring older brothers and… Read more