Category: Uncategorized

  • What Men Could (*should*) Learn From Reading Romance Novels

    What Men Could (*should*) Learn From Reading Romance Novels

    My bookshelves at home are boobytrapped.  Not in the sense that you’ll meet physical harm if you misstep — beyond actually pulling the entire structure off the wall on top of you — or that there is a secret door hidden somewhere (ugh, I wish #goals). But rather the shelves themselves are rigged as a… Read more

  • AI Has Entered the (Dating) Chat

    AI Has Entered the (Dating) Chat

    The other day I went on the most disappointing date I’ve been on since I (re)started my single girl journey post-breakup.  Following the extremely firm directive of my friends, I downloaded a dating app to get myself back into the game (just ONE! It’s so overwhelming I can’t imagine juggling them all at once). I’ve… Read more

  • Fun Wedding Fling…Or Something More?

    Fun Wedding Fling…Or Something More?

    Look. Weddings are like adult summer camp — a few days away from real life, a bunch of semi-connected people in the same room. And now that we’re adults, we get to add alcohol.  Of course things are going to get a little spicy.  If you’ve indulged yourself in a wedding hookup, congrats. What a… Read more